

DirtSkill Term 4 registrations are will open towards the end of September. Book early to secure your child’s spot & discount.

Term 4 is scheduled to start on 14th September 2024.

More information will be published mid September.

  • Objectives – Skill Learning.
  • Age – Year 3 to Year 13.
  • Location – Oropi MTB Park & Summerhill MTB Park.
  • Time – Daylight hours after school.
  • Sessions are 90 minutes in length.
  • Each Term has 6 sessions. That’s 9 hours of coaching!

Our DirtSkill programme aims to give riders confidence, competence and understanding of a variety of skills required for healthy growth as a young mountain biker. Our sessions progress from riders as young as 7 through to our older groups for 17 and 18 year old’s. DirtSkill is our most popular programme.

Groups are split by grading. Riders can obtain a grading at a grading day or from past participation with DirtCraft programmes. For grading day information please read below.

Each rider receives a grading and then can select a group that equates to their skill level. We have grading days throughout the year. Please obtain a grading prior to registration.


  1. Rider is current Mountainbike Tauranga Club Member.
  2. Rider Year 3 to Year 13.
  3. New riders must attended an open day to obtain a grading for group placement.
  4. Rider able ride Grade 2 trails or higher.
  5. Rider has suitable equipment.

Term 4 Information & Timetable (To be updated)

  • Monday sessions are 4.30pm to 6.00pm at Summerhill.
  • All Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday sessions are at Oropi from 4.30 to 6.00pm or 6.00pm to 7.30pm.
  • Term 4 will be an 6 week term starting on the 14th October and run until December 20th. (This allows spare weeks as weather contingencies).
  • We will be offering a registration discount to all registrations paid by our early registration Date (TBC).
  • Each rider will have a grading according to our grading system. If you are unsure about your child’s grading, please contact tristanhride@gmail.com or attend a free grading day.

Below is the Term 1 2024 timetable to give you an idea of how the week looks.